Weeabooze's Staff Application

RL* Name: Amy

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:103551333

IGN*: Weeabooze

Age: 17

Playtime in gmod?: 1,570 hours

Playtime in server? (Minimum of 1 Week): 1d 1h

Do you have a microphone?: Yes. however I dont use it after a horrible past.

Do you have discord and are you in the Official RG Discord?: yes

Why should we pick you? (100 words minimum): I have realized that Recreo is in dire need of staff. especially with the current conflicts going on that gradually make the server have a possible dark name in the future. im willing to at the least help turn the tide on that future and attempt helping each player in this server be happy

How long will you be able to play in the server?(hours per week/day): Can Always be on at a random time after 15:00 UTC

Do you understand that you need to be on duty a lot of the time/host events?:Yes.

Any past experience as staff?: not on garrys mod but a lot on other roleplay apps including Geeking, Kik and Discord

Any previous warns/bans, if so why?: None

Do you know the basic commands Yes/No: Unknown, no idea what addon we use for admin commands

Do you understand the rules (1 word is not an answer): I understand and will obey.

Applying for(Server / Forum): Recreo Empire (GMOD)

+1 Solves problems with Logic instead of emotions, doesnt let friendship come in the way of actual progress and work. Great fit for staff.

-1 due to past behavior I would have to say you have a habit of siding with friends and becoming overly biased and aggressive towards others. Although I have seen an improvement I still don't know you well enough. Also the lack of a microphone may hamper your ability to do a staff job. (Although that isn't a key factor as it's not actually needed)


Nice person 

  • RCG Staff have decided to Deny your application.
  • In the latest staff meeting, RCG staff reviewed your application and came to the decision to deny your application.
  • You may re-apply in 14 days.


>> Moved to Archives.
